Friday, April 26, 2013

“Pink Gradient“ tutorial

Represented by Anastasia Luksha
NSI Master Expert, CEO of Nail Couture Studio, current judge.
Moscow, Russia

1. First sanitize your hands and your client’s hands with Sani-Pure. Prep the natural nail: gently push the cuticle, shorten the free edge, take off the shine using 180 Endurance file.

2. Apply Nail Pure Plus and Attract Primer. Fit the form. Add couple drops of Glass Paint color “Fuchsia” to the monomer.
Sculpt the natural nail edge with Peach Blush powder. Use Totally Clear powder and monomer with Glass Paint to sculpt the free edge with the shape “Pipe”. Pinch the nail and remove the form

3. File the while surface of the nails with 150 or 180 Endurance grit file. Make sure that the direction of the files goes only in the center of the nail.

4. Make sure that the sidewalls are strictly even and parallel.

5. File the free edge with the 45 angle to finish the Pipe shape. Make sure that that 45 degree angle is the same on each nail.
To create the gradient effect add one drop before sculpting next nail in order to get more intense color.

6. Cover the nail with Glaze ‘N Go and cure for 90 seconds.
The design is ready!

“Color Geometry” tutorial

Nail Art Tutorial “Color Geometry”

Represented by Anastasia Luksha
NSI Master Expert, CEO of Nail Couture Studio, current judge.
Moscow, Russia

1. First sanitize your hands and your client’s hands with Sani-Pure. Prep the natural nail: gently push the cuticle, shorten the free edge, take off the shine using 180 Endurance file.

2. Apply Nail Pure Plus and Attract Primer. Fit the form.

3. Sculpt the entire nail using “Wining White” powder to get a vibrant radiant white color. Pinch the nail and remove the form.
4. File the while surface of the nail, create the “squeareoval” shape.

5. Using purple acrylic powder create the first corner of the square working in watercolor technique.

6. Create the second square.

7. When the first layer is done, continue to add the squares of different sizes and shapes. Don’t forget to make sure that the first layer is completely cured before continuing.

8. Using dark purple paint add some strict lines on the edges of the squares.
9. Cover the nail with Glaze ‘N Go and cure for 90 seconds.

You may cover the nails with Glaze ‘N Go first and than continue working with the design. In that case, don’t use the acrylic paint as it will wash off right away.